It’s that time again, where everyone set’s a lofty list of resolutions for the New Year and usually winds up breaking them within the first few weeks. Only about 8% of American’s actually are successful in keeping their goals. How can make sure you stay on top of your list and fall privy to the norm?
There are several mobile apps that can help keep you motivated and on track whatever your resolutions maybe. If you are trying to lose weight or get healthy check out apps such as Happy Scale, MyFitnessPal, WellnessFX, CodyApp (one of my favorites), or SleepCycle.
Did you know that two-thirds of Americans don’t have a budget, according to a Gallup poll? If keeping your finances in check is your resolution, look to download Level, Mint, or a mobile app provided by your personal bank. This can keep you on budget while on the go and help you set goals for spending and saving.
What are your New Year’s Resolutions and how do you plan to keep them?
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