
HomeTelos Celebrates 10th Anniversary

What do HomeTracker, BidSelect, and Lender Center have in common?

They are smart technology systems which have revolutionized the way REO Assets are managed and sold. They were all developed, launched and brought to market by one company– HomeTelos.

They were the first to deliver an online real estate marketplace, making it possible to both showcase and purchase properties online 24/7.

Today, Friday, June 10th 2011, HomeTelos, a First Preston HT Company is celebrating its 10th year of innovative leadership in the field of asset management and intelligent technologies.

The company was founded by real estate professionals who needed solutions for online real estate asset and workflow management and marketing that did not exist. It has since become known for a cutting edge suite of scalable solutions and services designed to manage real estate assets from pre-foreclosure through REO listing and final disposition.

So, to the selling agents who have submitted over 1,000,000 offers, and to all of the homebuyers who are glad they did; thank you for making HomeTelos first 10 years—truly remarkable.