
Top Interview Mistakes

HireMe.CE.b2Jobless claims recently reported hitting a 14-year low, meaning more people are finding work.  The key to landing a position that several other people may be vying for is to have strong interview skills.  Here are some big mistakes that people make that can cost them the job:

  1. Wearing inappropriate clothing:  This ranks as one of the top mistakes that millennials make during an interview according to a Forbes article that states about 75% of the surveyed hiring managers.
  2. Bringing a parent along:  A CNBC post cited in a study that almost 8% of recent college graduates brought a parent with them to an interview.  Some parents even participated in the interview.
  3. Posting inappropriate material on social media:  Companies today do extensive internet searches on prospective employees.  Posting of offensive language, bad grammar or pictures from late night partying do not reflect well on one’s professionalism.
  4. Lack of Research:  It’s important to always do homework on a company before an interview.  Know what position you are interviewing for and try to find out some information about who will be interviewing you.
  5. Not asking enough questions:  Just as the interviewer will be asking many questions directly at the person hoping to land the job, it is equally important for that person to ask the interviewer questions.  Show that there is interest, find out additional details about the position, the company’s long and short term goals, and what qualities and skills they are seeking.