
What’s in Your House? Free Software Tracks Household & Office Treasures

Cool app for keeping track.  FREEWARE has devised a software program for the PC that enables anyone to catalogue everything they own. It’s called Household Register 2011. If you have lived in the same location for longer than a couple of years, taking inventory the old fashioned way can be a daunting task.  If you are subject to frequent relocations, this may be the perfect shortcut for organizing your next move. Trying to figure out how much homeowner or renter insurance coverage will cover your contents? This program can end the guesswork. If you need to file an insurance claim, or confirm your latest high-tech purchase is still under warranty, this application can be helpful for that, too.

The tool can provide the same benefits for business office possessions. If you own a business that is subject to commercial business tax assessments based on the contents of your office, you may want to add this to your list of free resources to help save time and money.

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