Did you know you could check a flight status by typing the airline name and flight number into Google? It also converts currency and translates foreign words.
Technology guru David Pogue says there are numerous time saving tips and resources that most users were simply never taught. They are not apps or new devices, but simple shortcuts that save key strokes, solve problems and allow you to work smarter. We tested them out and decided to share some of our favorites.
To keep it short, we’re sharing our favs in a 2 part series. Here’s the first batch.
- In your browser, instead of using the scroll bar to roll up and down the page; try the spacebar to scroll down 1 page per tap. To scroll back up hold shift button+ the space bar.
- To enlarge the online screen view hold the “Ctrl key” down and tap (+) to enlarge the screen; hold the Ctrl Key and tap (-) to make the screen view smaller.
- When entering a text on a phone, when you get to the end of a sentence, press the space bar twice. It will insert a period and cap the first letter of the next sentence.
- To redial someone just hit the call button. The last number dialed will display. Click “call” to initiate the call.
- To leave a message on a cell phone and bypass the instructions on “how to leave a message”, hit the # sign (AT&T customers). This will not work for all carriers. Experiment to learn the skip symbol works for various carriers.
- Need a dictionary? Go to the Google search bar. Type “define” and the word. Google will provide the definition as you enter the word. No extra clicks necessary.
- Need to translate a French or Spanish word to English? Go to Google and type “translate” + the word. The translation will appear in a large box at the top of the page.
What are your favorite free technology time savers? Let us know and we may be able to publish them in a future segment.
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Source: 5 Ted Talks That Can Help You Work Smarter. Christina Desmarais. Inc.