
Technology for Real Estate: 4 Apps to Impress – Part 1 in 3 Part Series

Technology for real estate professionals is getting a boost from must-have iPad apps. Tablets have revolutionized the marketing and communication power of users. According to Inman News, technology for real estate is now about “creating remarkable experiences through technology for your current and past clients. It’s about being able to wow someone at Starbucks when` they ask you, “How’s the market?”

Technology for Real Estate

Technology for Real Estate

If you have invested in tablet technology and are asking the question, “Now what?”—You are not alone. Inman Chief Evangelist, Chris Smith, recently conducted an hour-long webinar entitled “So You Bought an iPad. Now What?”

Here’s the short version. We have recapped featured iPad apps in a three-part series so that readers can digest the mountain of savvy insights in divided sessions.

3G/4G or WI-FI?

  1. If you have a Wi-Fi only iPad, (Internet access via local area networks), you may want to consider the following options for wider Internet access and greater productivity.
  • Subscribe to a My-Fi/ mobile Internet access hot-spot, which will allow online access from almost anywhere in the United States.
  • Inquire with your wireless carrier about subscribing to tethering service, which allows the iPad to share the Internet connection of your mobile phone.


Apple TV (AirPlay capability) allows users to mirror images or presentations, from an iPad or iPhone onto a big screen TV monitor wirelessly. Subscribers make a one-time $99 investment for the device. Presentations go from the small screen to theater-style for maximum impact.


After downloading several apps you may become bombarded with involuntary notifications. To limit unwanted “push” notifications, go into the notifications center of the offending app and turn off non-essential notifications. There is an app that can assist with the process.

  1. AwayFind – Manages “push notifications.” AwayFind acts as a filter for automated notifications.
  2. Pimp Your Screen — Customize your screen with an eye-popping background layout.
  3. Google Chrome iPad App — Allows users to move seamlessly from laptop work sessions to iPad work sessions. Open tabs and browsing history will be visible on both devices. (New App)
  4. How’s the Market? (iPad edition) — Displays market trend and analysis data. Add a bookmark to your iPad screen so that when someone asks, you can show them rather than just talk about them.

Before You Shop

Apps shopping should start with a pen and paper. Write a list of the daily tasks you perform. Search for an app to assist with specifically identified tasks.

Organize Apps by Category

Organize app folders for quick access. Be sure to group apps by category into folders on your screen.  To create a folder, click on an app hold it down until it shakes and then drag it atop a similar app. Label the folder something that is easily identifiable, such as “Listing Presentation apps.”

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