
“Cyber Location, Location, Location: It’s a Market Reality” – Selection Criteria for Real Estate Professionals

cyber location location locationThe online real estate marketplace has transformed the real estate marketing landscape. Buyers are choosing to begin their searches online and engage real estate professionals after they have educated themselves and narrowed their searches to a short list of properties. The traditional geographic importance of property location is being transformed into the new reality of “cyber location, location, location.”

Successful real estate practitioners must skillfully position themselves and their listings in cyber locations that capture the attention of millions of viewers—generating interest, leads and sales. With over 708,000 electronic real estate marketplaces to choose from, agents and brokers should review options and choose wisely with an eye toward maximum impact for every marketing dollar invested.

In a recent RisMedia article, Lisa Barrentine, President and CEO of First Preston HT, shares insights on the next opportunity in cyber location. She suggests that online real estate databases are no longer enough. As educated consumers continue to expect convenience, transparency and smart use of technology; she recommends cyber-savvy real estate professionals consider using search platforms that not only offer online shopping options, but online offer submission, real-time negotiation and offer management as well.

Check out the RisMedia article, Cyber Location, Location, Location: It’s a Market Reality for tips on how to choose your cyber tools wisely.